Access Control

Access Control Services in the Philadelphia Area

At Emergency Response Associates, we can tailor a system to meet your needs.

How can you control access throughout your building to make sure that only people with the proper credentials are able to gain entry? At Emergency Response Associates, we can tailor a system to meet your needs. Whether it is pin-controlled access, key fobs or card access, or biometrics, we can secure your facility against intrusion and unwanted entry.

Access Control Service Features

  • Integrate key fob access with telephone-entry systems at your multi-family properties.
  • Install key fob readers throughout your place of business to control access through specific doors during specific timeframes
  • Revoke access at the click of a button if a credential is lost or an employee is no longer with your company.

Access control can also be applied to other applications such as building lockdown, time and attendance, elevator control, and badging. We can also integrate CCTV to store pictures upon specific actions such as Access Denied as well as Illegal Door Activity such as door prop or forced entry.

"ERA has been our trusted partner for all things security, fire, and life safety for nearly a decade. Whenever I have a professional or personal project, ERA is my first and only call."

David B. Friedman , Friedman Realty Group

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