Exit & Emergency Lighting Services

Exit & Emergency Lighting Systems in the Philadelphia Area
In times of emergency, Emergency and Exit Lighting become crucial guideposts that allow safe egress for residents or employees.
NFPA 101 Life Safety Code specifies which occupancies are required to have Emergency and Exit Lighting. As Licensed Electricians, Emergency Response Associates can both install and service your lighting.
Where required, Emergency and Exit lighting must provide a minimum of 90 minutes of illumination in the event of a failure of normal lighting. Our annual inspection includes testing the batteries and bulbs that make your lighting function properly.
Battery load tests can confirm that your lights will function when they are needed.
Many municipalities require documentation confirming that this testing was completed. Emergency Response Associates can provide professionally prepared documentation to ensure this need is met.
"ERA has been our trusted partner for all things security, fire, and life safety for nearly a decade. Whenever I have a professional or personal project, ERA is my first and only call."
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